We need to design a way of war that integrates the small, the smart and the many with existing high end platforms and equipment ⬇️
Center for a New American Security (CNAS) has a succinct report looing at immediate actions to improve the U.S. military, deter China and regain momentum in military power in the Indo-Pacific. One of the areas of focus is developing a concepts that integrate rapidly acquired low cost weapons and equipment with the high end platforms and equipment in service:
“Currently, there is no clear plan for how to integrate low-cost autonomous systems with high-end weapons that will result in better battlefield outcomes. These systems are not substitutes for each other. While autonomous drones and missiles present tremendous opportunities to increase the scale and scope of the U.S. military’s firepower, they lack the capacity, range, and survivability needed to perform many high-risk, high-value missions.”
We often see low end systems presented as a replacement for legacy platforms rather than an opportunity to compliment and or offset a lack of mass. Even if Australia decides tomorrow match rhetoric with revenue and increase the Defence budget to an appropriate level for the geopolitical circumstances, high end platforms take time to acquire and introduce into service.
“For the foreseeable future, the U.S. military will need to rely on a limited inventory of high-cost exquisite platforms to conduct some of the most important warfighting missions. Large numbers of cheaper attritable systems can offset the military’s reliance on high-end platforms for completing some missions that otherwise might deplete expensive and lower-inventory platforms.”
This is the same challenge the Australian Defence Force faces – particularly in the maritime domain where our fleet is likely to further contract before new ships and submarines are introduced into service in the next decade. Integrating rapidly acquirable and replaceable low cost weapons and equipment that offset our lack of mass will be key to ensuring our force is both a deterrent and ready to respond should conflict occur.
Let’s see what the creative disruption of a new United States administration brings…