“An industrially developed nation cannot be disarmed”
A.E. Leighton was a different sort of public servant. After starting his career in 1903 in the Indian Department of Military Supply, he joined the Australian Arsenal and rose through

Winning the economics of battle becomes just as important as winning the battle itself.
A future ready Army will need to utilise its arsenal judiciously – cost efficiency will be just as important as neutralising a selected target. Forbes published an intriguing op-ed late

The unipolar moment is over.
The danger is clear and present. The unipolar moment is over. So why aren’t we accelerating innovation and acquisition? ⬇️ “After more than two years of conflict in Ukraine, it

Visit the modern battlefield. ⬇️
Imagine for a minute: The unmistakable buzzing of a drone seeking out its target. Soldiers huddled in a pit, desperately hoping camouflage and concealment would work. But the aim is

We need to speed up the innovation loop for Defence
Private Davis from 2-502 Infantry Regiment, 2nd Mobile Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) poses for a picture against the night sky after air assaulting into the Joint