Defence Industry had a ‘last supper’ after Cold War I. Now Palantir’s CTO is calling for a ‘first breakfast’ to respond to Cold War II ⬇️
In the heady days following the fall of the Soviet Union, the then Defense Secretary William Perry gathered the executives of US Defence companies together for dinner. At this ‘Last

How much longer can Australia’s strategic dissonance last? ⬇️
This week China sent several frigates through the Tasman sea and causing much consternation in the mainstream media (for the moment). Australia appears to have little time to dwell on

Are you feeling Luckey? How about ~ 4 hours worth of Luckey? ⬇️
If haven’t already invested four hours of your life listening to Anduril Industries founder Palmer Luckey on the Shawn Ryan Show – you’ll thank us later. One moment that caught

It is clear that the Trump administration expects much more from allies and partners in Europe – is the Indo Pacific next? ⬇️
Vice President JD Vance wasn’t the only US official causing waves in Europe recently as Trump 2.0 resets the state of play in global affairs. The BBC has described Defence

A forensic analysis of Russian weaponry has revealed that up 64% of parts are supplied from one country: the United States of America. ⬇️
Foreign Policy has produced some insightful analysis of the Defence supply chains feeding the Russian war machine. It also highlights that the expected ability to choke off Russia through sanctions

In the next large scale combat operation our forces will face relentless targeting with Electronic Warfare measures. Are we ready? ⬇️
“When Excalibur precision artillery rounds were first deployed in Ukraine, they hit their intended target 70% of the time, with misreported coordinates by those calling for fire largely responsible for

It is no surprise that Trump’s pick for Defense Secretary wasn’t the usual National Security insider we’ve seen in recent times ⬇️
Pete Hegseth has been labeled as an unconventional pick given Defense Secretaries are usually Washington insiders or star rank generals in recent times. While he’s a US Army National Guard

Being Surprised by an adversary is one of the most enduring elements of warfare
Beaten Zone Venture Partners advisor Mick Ryan’s 2022 ‘War Transformed’ examined the war in the new era of great power rivalry unfolding in the 21st century: “In this new era,

North Korea is sending more troops and equipment to aid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ⬇️
The War Zone has a great update on Ukraine intelligence reporting on North Korea sending significant amounts of additional self propelled and rocket artillery units. While the hermit kingdom can

We need to design a way of war that integrates the small, the smart and the many with existing high end platforms and equipment ⬇️
Center for a New American Security (CNAS) has a succinct report looing at immediate actions to improve the U.S. military, deter China and regain momentum in military power in the